Architecture · Culture · history

Alphabet- B for Baghdad

Evidently strong Unquestionably beautiful Full of miracles Redundant in wealth, and generous Passionate Care-taker Unfortunately off of will Her desires are not in her hands. Her destiny is the reflection of her people. Baghdad: the city of the endless timeline; the land of most of Arabian Nights’ stories; the landmark of more than 1000 years… Continue reading Alphabet- B for Baghdad

Architecture · Culture · history

Alphabet- A for Acropolis

In the realm of philosophy and origin of beauty comes the combination of religious sanctuary, treasury, and civic forum: Acropolis of Athena. High above the city, Acropolis represented wealth, spirituality, and artistic virtues of its civilization. Acropolis comes from Greek Akros, means Highest; and polis, means City. The Greek used to build their town near… Continue reading Alphabet- A for Acropolis