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Young Landmarks-to-be/ Iraqi Bookish

Some of my country’s most beautiful landmarks aren’t physical ones, but those spirits within the young ones whom names will be immortal because of their attempts to make their home better than it already is; loyal to the land that is carrying them or once did.




Believing that reading is one powerful key for creating a better and more powerful generation, this beautiful Facebook page is the best regarding this matter.  Al-Mutanabi street ( isn’t the only way to be in love with books since this Group is doing a great job indeed.

When time will pass years afterward, a tremendous number of young people will be speaking of this Group and the benefit it gave regarding giving books’ reviews, books’ recommendations, books’ quotations and inspirations, and the best thing: books had been delivered right at their house threshold.

Yes, their activity isn’t only on the internet; isn’t only taking advantage of the big attendance of youth at the internet, but also giving them the pleasure of having those beloved books right at their hands.

You love a book? Ask for it, and they’ll bring it right at your place.

Many books on my shelf are from their beautiful recommendation and offering. Many other young people are sharing the same gratitude I carry for them for giving books the deserved value and importance those somehow were about being faded among our country’s youth.

Well, speaking of any of those can never be enough. I’ll give your eyes and imagination to do the rest of seeing this Group’s amazing activity.

Here’s their Facebook link

Hope they inspire you for something, or being inspired by you 😀

Hope you enjoyed this Young Landmark

Thanks for reading

Best regards 😀

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