
A glance at the city…

As a young person and an architect I traveled to many places either for studying or tourism. Whatever the reason would be, the first thing that catches my eyes in the foreign cities is the tourists. It is something I miss seeing in my home as the reasons are well-known and no need for any explanation; no one would think of coming to the dangerous unstable and unsafe Baghdad, though it’s an ancient city, yet modern; has a lot of tourism attractions and stories at each wall tell a different period of time.

It’s quite obvious that there would be no tourism movement in Baghdad for the coming few years.

Till that is possible, I thought of giving details and tourism guide and touring around the city for the world and those who are interested and curious to see and know how people in this city live and adapted the current situation by living as normal and happy as many other people in the wide world.

Next post I will write a bit about Baghdad’s history and a notion of its areas and famous streets. I will post pictures of the city at the nowadays and maybe at the past as well, giving their credits to the amazing and talented young Iraqis ambitious photographers.

Hope you are as interested as how eager I am to show you my city, Baghdad 😀

Photo Credit: Ziyad Matti Digital World
Photo Credit: Ziyad Matti Digital World

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